Next Level 350 Series
Thank you for attending Lesson 5 of our 12 week Training Series! Please note that lessons do not have to be taken in numerical order. You are welcome to start anytime during the 3 month rotation.
Here are your notes and homework from class. Keep practicing to solidify all you learned.
Looking forward to seeing you next week!
Notes & Homework
Skill: Offensive Lob
- This is a weapon - not a hail Mary!
- Contact Point: Out in front, off bounce or out of air.
- Weight Transfer: Use legs to lift both fwd & up to generate height and depth.
- Body Positioning: Balanced & in position.
- Swing: Guide ball as if trying to keep it on your paddle as long as possible.
Drill: Dinking with Lobs
- Place target rings deep in court behind each player.
- Players straight on at NVZ and dink rally starts.
- Players wait for the right ball to hit the lob over their opponent and aim for the target rings.
- Opponent does not run down the lob in this drill.
- Players take turns who is hitting the lob.
Skill: Dinking- Cross Court Footwork
- Footwork: Open stance. NO CROSSOVER STEPS
- Contact Point: Out in front. If behind you when pulled wide hit down line.
- Weight Transfer: Flow into shot and return facing where you placed the ball.
- Body Positioning: When actively dinking stand 60% off center line-
- Hands: Continental grip, lay back wrist. Grip 3-4 out of 10.
Drill: Dinking Inside/Outside
- Players cross court at NVZ.
- 1 player dinks to inside foot then to outside foot alternating each shot.
- Opposing player works on foot work and unit turn and hits back to their partner wherever they want.